The primary container for the Tag component.
Central descriptive text for the tag.
Icons that can be placed to the left or right of the placeholder text based on the variant.
A small visual indicator, often round, representing status or a specific condition.
A small representation of a user's profile picture or a generic user icon.
Numerical representation, often used to show quantity or new items.
Example Use Cases
Tagging items, such as articles, posts, or products, with relevant keywords, topics, or attributes to facilitate content discovery, navigation, and filtering for users.
Enabling users to filter and sort content based on specific criteria, such as product features, categories, or attributes, by selecting or clicking on tags associated with those criteria.
Grouping items into distinct categories, sections, or topics by assigning tags with descriptive labels or identifiers to organize content hierarchically and enhance navigational structures.
Communicating the status, state, or attributes of items, such as tasks, notifications, or messages, by displaying tags with color-coded labels or icons representing different states, such as "New," "In Progress," or "Completed."
Integrating tags into various UI elements, such as navigation menus, search filters, or profile settings, to provide visual cues, enhance usability, and improve user engagement with interactive components.
Allowing users to tag their own content, such as photos, bookmarks, or documents, with personalized labels or keywords to organize and personalize their digital experiences.
Implementing tags as part of multi-select controls or input fields, enabling users to choose multiple options or items from a predefined list by selecting corresponding tags.