The primary container for the Pill component.
Central descriptive text for the pill.
Icons that can be placed to the left or right of the placeholder text based on the variant.
A small visual indicator, often round, representing status or a specific condition.
A small representation of a user's profile picture or a generic user icon.
Numerical representation, often used to show quantity or new items.
Example Use Cases
Displaying tags or keywords associated with content items, such as articles, products, or images, allowing users to filter or categorize content based on specific criteria.
Providing filter options for sorting and refining search results, lists, or grids, enabling users to narrow down content based on predefined attributes or characteristics.
Communicating the status or state of items, such as "New," "Featured," "Hot," or "Sale," to highlight important updates, promotions, or events within a layout.
Serving as navigation items or menu links in navigation bars, sidebars, or breadcrumbs, providing users with quick access to different sections or pages of an application or website.
Acting as selectable options or choices in form fields, dropdown menus, or multi-select inputs, allowing users to input or select specific values or preferences.
Serving as removable chips or tokens in input fields, allowing users to enter or remove multiple items, such as email addresses, contacts, or tags, in a user-friendly manner.