An optional visual representation of the user or entity associated with each feed item. It provides context and helps users identify the source of the content.
Textual information that serves as the title or heading of each feed item. It can display the name of the user, the title of the post, or any other relevant information.
The main content or message of each feed item. It contains the primary information that users want to see, such as text, images, links, or other media.
An optional indicator that conveys additional information about the status of the user or entity associated with the feed item. It can indicate online status, activity status, or any other relevant status information.
An optional graphical symbol or icon that accompanies each feed item. It can provide visual cues or represent specific actions, categories, or themes.
An empty space or placeholder that indicates where additional content, such as timestamps or action buttons, may appear. It helps maintain visual consistency and alignment within the feed.
Example Use Cases
Displaying user-generated posts, comments, likes, shares, and other social interactions in a chronological order within a user's feed timeline.
Presenting news articles, blog posts, updates, and editorial content from multiple sources in a unified and continuously updated feed format.
Facilitating the creation, curation, and display of dynamic content streams, such as blog feeds, product catalogs, event listings, and announcement boards.
Showing recent activities, events, notifications, or status updates related to user accounts, memberships, subscriptions, or transactions.
Providing a centralized hub for team members or project collaborators to view and discuss project updates, task assignments, document revisions, and other collaborative content.